Performance Monitoring troubleshooting and FAQ

This page provides troubleshooting tips for getting started with Performance Monitoring or using Performance Monitoring features and tooling.

First checks for troubleshooting

The following two checks are general best practices recommended for anyone before further troubleshooting.

1. Check log messages for performance events

Check your log messages to be sure that the Performance Monitoring SDK is capturing performance events.

2. Check the Firebase Status Dashboard

Check the Firebase Status Dashboard in case there is a known outage for Firebase or for Performance Monitoring.

Getting started with Performance Monitoring

If you're getting started with Performance Monitoring (iOS+ | Android | Web), the following troubleshooting tips can help with issues that involve Firebase detecting the SDK or displaying your first performance data in the Firebase console.

General troubleshooting

If you've successfully added the SDK and are using Performance Monitoring in your app, the following troubleshooting tips can help with general issues that involve Performance Monitoring features and tooling.


Near real-time data processing and display

Contacting Firebase Support

If you reach out to Firebase Support, always include your Firebase App ID. Find your Firebase App ID in the Your apps card of your Project settings.